Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday I was at Benefit Eyebrow Bar at the Myers getting my eyebrows done. Yes I know vain.

Anyways.. The girl that did my eyebrows immediately sensed that I was not from Australia, exclaiming "That's not an Australian accent" which I agreed it wasn't and let her know I was from Canada. She asked me a few questions about why I was here ex cetera, ex cetera and then of course we got on to the weather. I let her know that yes it was colder in Canada but not that cold. Then she said something that absolutely floored me. "So are all the people in Canada obese?" I looked at her confused, "No, why?" and she responded "Well it's like England, cold all the time, and aren't the people in London all obese too because all they eat is comfort food?"

I really wanted to go out and buy her a book, I can't believe anyone is truly that ignorant.

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