Monday, January 25, 2010

Bad bad me. Again, I have procrastinated to a point of embarrassment. It's been so long that i have changed my hair color from red to black and it's no longer NEWS. I apologize to my one reader! ;)

It's 2010 and the world is my oyster. By that I mean, I have am unemployed and have my days to fill doing only things for me. So this is what I usually do with my oysterous (I know it's not a word) day.

I get up and turn on the coffee machine, check my emails and Facebook, turn on Eoin Finn for a bit of yoga to stretch my "getting older by the minute" body. When the DVD hits the relaxation section, my brain begins to furiously spin, I lay there on the mat, until I hit my breaking point and have to get up, because laying around is useless. I fear if any true yogi's read this I will hexed for being a non conformist and not taking the time to focus on meditation.

Then I go check my email and Facebook again. Hmmm nothing new, a bit of spam maybe but usually just the same email in my spam box from Mary and do I remember her. No I don't and I wonder if she knows that I am a straight woman and not interested in meeting up with her hot and sexy self. Facebook, checking who's birthdays are today and sending sweet little messages.

I have a little chat with my boyfriend to break up his day and mine, nothing new since he left this morning. Geez time go so fast but nothing ever happens. So, I move onto the career pages. Wouldn't it be nice if they were all the same or at least they offered similar sort mechanisms. How are you supposed to tell which posting is new when they only update the new ones every week and I check every day. How are you supposed to stay on top of the job market. Thanks free career listings, for nothing. Oh wait I like you, you might have a job for me.

After searching the job pages, I find myself slightly peckish so I grab some sandwich meat and a yogurt with granola to eat. I realize as I start to eat, that the day is more than half way over and I have nothing to show for it. Oh well there is always tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hee hee..