So last week after I became a Lady of Leisure, Aliki gave me shit for not keeping up the blog. I'm off to a good start. Took me a week to update. HAHAHA. Well I guess that is what happens when you have nothing but time on your hands and you realize that you do, in fact, have more to do now then you did before. All these things that you let slide because "you were too busy with work" no excuse now. So I say hello again to yoga, blogging, sightseeing, taxes for two countries (blech!), sorting out my British citzenship once and for all, phone calls and eating at more regular intervals and more reasonable hours. goodbye dinner at 10pm. Planning trips for the Easter vacation and the week after, looking for a new place to live in case they sell our place and the move is unavoidable. Phew I'm tired just writing it all. Maybe I should take a siesta? Oooo lucky me. I guess I can pass out here on the lounger on the patio since I am well sunscreened up. Stay young wear sunscreen, really, wear sunscreen here. The sun is crazy strong.
I have to go to Physio at 5:30 but when I get back I will have a cheeky glass of wine (my stylist taught me that) on the patio before I make dinner. A little BBQ chicken with salad and peut-ĂȘtre un peu plus de vin! Double cheeky!
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