Hangover Friday!!!! Great night last night, I went out with one of the ladies from work. Gabrielle - Dutch, from Amsterdam. Very sweet, very European. She even has a pair of rubber clogs that smell like tulips! She moved into Bondi last weekend so we decided to go for wine at this great wine bar that Vanessa told us about called "The Shop", drank a couple of bottles of a fabulous Barossa (can't remember the name but it was something Murray or Murray something) Must have again. Yum yum. Second bottle in a little drunk, ok a lot drunk! and then of course, (those of you that know me, know me) where to next? Round the corner to the Pub and more wine. Maybe not such a good idea. Gabrielle pretty much passed out there. It was sooo cute. Her boyfriend Billy kept touching her on the knee and she didn't react, so he would go back to his conversation and this went on a few times till finally it was decided to end the night. Stumble, stumble, off I went and I obviously made it home cause I woke up in my bed with a half eaten piece of bread. Always taking care of my self trying to soak up the wine. They say that wine and bread go well together, no?
Zack was at the studio today, ran into him going between buildings, he tried to follow Gabrielle and I to the shop when we went to buy ice cream. Had to send him on his way, he has work to do! Truly though, it was 36 Celsius/97 Fahrenheit. It was blistering. and with my hangover phew it was hot. Hmmm, suddenly I think to myself. "This blog is all over the place, maybe it's the hangover. But I am writing much more than usually so maybe this hangover thing is working. Maybe I will try this drunk next time and see what I can get out!!!"
It's Halloween today and booooo no one here really celebrates it. Wanted to have a party but thought I would be too busy with Zack being here. Alas not so much the case, will plan a sweet party next year though, no costume, no entry!!! I saw a few kids dressed up on my way home but it was pretty sad. There is a party down the street at the Flying Squirrel and it's my kind of party - no costume, no entry!!! Still have my Bloody Red Riding Hood costume from Denise's party last year. You can recycle a costume in a different country can't you? Oooh, they have Caesars and what goes better with a Caesar than a hangover. Oh my God. I just remembered it's Steph's Birthday, must send my favorite ecard from bust.com - i wonder if people are getting tired of getting the same card over and over.
Oh and the kangaroo picture... ya, well I don't have any shots from last night!